Stabbed Puppy Adopted By Man Who Saved Her Life

Smoke, a pit bull puppy from Portsmouth, Virginia, isn’t even a year old. But the dog’s tender age didn’t stop her former owner from stabbing her 7 times in a fit of rage.

The puppy escaped her attacker by crawling under a nearby landscaping truck, where she was discovered by the vehicle’s driver, Brad Chambers.

Photo: Pixabay

“When I looked under the car, it looked like a sweet puppy,” Chambers told WTKR. But when Chambers picked up the puppy, he was shocked to find her profusely bleeding from the neck.

Fortunately, Chambers isn’t just a Good Samaritan and animal lover. He’s also a former cop with a trauma kit in his vehicle.

Screenshot: YouTube/WTVR CBS 6

“All you could see is pouring of blood everywhere and puncture wounds,” said Chambers, who rushed to clot the puppy’s wounds — and raced the ailing dog to the animal hospital. This man’s quick actions certainly saved the puppy’s life.

The puppy eventually underwent multiple surgeries at a veterinary hospital in North Carolina. Chambers even paid out of pocket to cover the puppy’s surgeries, which were covered by fundraising. Meanwhile, Smoke’s former owner was charged with animal cruelty.

Screenshot: YouTube/WTVR CBS 6

Now Smoke is on road to recovery, and Chambers and his fiance are planning to give this brave girl a forever home. The couple is reportedly also planning to train Smoke to become a therapy dog.

“We are overjoyed to share the news that Smoke is coming home! She is such a fighter, having to fight more than any dog should have to,” Chambers wrote in a Facebook post. “But now Smoke can look forward to just being a carefree pup!”

Find out more in the video:

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