Cat Gets Locked in an Empty Business for More Than a Week

The following story was a finalist in the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest. The top three finishers received $500 in cash, as well as $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. To read more stories, click here!

Zeus was found behind a business in the shopping center where I work. He somehow had gotten himself locked in an empty business that was being renovated. We think he was in there between 10 and 11 days, no food or water at all. Then when workers went back in, they found him and just threw him out behind the building.


My good friend Caroline who works with rescues also works in the same center. She asked if I could take him to the emergency vet. “Of course,” I told her.


All the way there, I kept talking to him, letting him know that we were getting him help and to hold on and stay with me. I dropped him at the emergency vet and then went back to work. My friend told me to give him a name (since I took him to the vet’s office) for his records. I named him Zeus because I knew he was a fighter.


She called me the next day and told me they thought he needed to be put down. I met her at the vet’s because I wanted to see him one last time. While we were there, we asked for some food to see if he would eat. When that food was put in front of him, he ate like there was no tomorrow! I told Caroline this was a cat that wants to live, he didn’t need to be put down! She agreed. They kept him a couple more days until he could leave.

Caroline took him home and nursed him back to health. I went over at least two times a week to visit and take him some good nutritious food so he could get stronger. Long story short, after about eight months, I finally convinced my husband that he needed to be with us and that my heart told me we needed to give him a good and loving home. I had fallen completely in love with him! We already had four of our own, but he said, “Okay, if you feel that strongly about him, let’s take him.” We went to get him a couple days later, and now he is part of our family forever.


He is the sweetest and most gentle cat. As soon as you pet his head, he just starts purring. He was meant to be with us. I believe he is definitely a cat that is happy to be alive and part of a family of his own. We love him to the moon and back!

This story was submitted by Valerie Kendrick in support of Fairfield County Animal Shelter. To read other stories from the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest, click here!

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