Six Ducks Abandoned in Neighborhood with No Water Nearby

This story comes from our friends Burge Bird Rescue. Burge Bird Rescue, located in south Kansas City, Missouri, helps over 300 birds every year from several states. They are affiliated with Burge Bird Services, a veterinary practice that cares for birds exclusively. Learn more about them here!

A lot of ducks are abandoned every year when people realize that those cute little baby ducklings grow up to be very messy! The interesting thing about this duck rescue story is that they were found in a south Kansas City neighborhood with no pond nor creek nor park anywhere nearby.


How did they end up there? Why would someone have six ducks and just turn them loose in a neighborhood? How did they survive without any obvious source of water or shelter?

A resident had seen them for a couple of weeks, and finally decided that someone needed to help them before they were hit by cars or attacked by loose dogs.


When we first went out to look for the six Muscovy ducks of various colors, we thought they would be easy to spot. There were a couple of places where they were spotted daily, but we spent over an hour walking and driving around the neighborhood with not a clue as to where they were hiding.

The next day, we got lucky and found them in a parking lot. We managed to herd them into an apartment complex where we cornered them on somebody’s patio and caught them all. They went to one of our farm sanctuary friends, and are happily living where they never have to worry about being abandoned again.


This story came from Burge Bird Rescue. Burge Bird Rescue, located in south Kansas City, Missouri, helps over 300 birds every year from several states. They are affiliated with Burge Bird Services, a veterinary practice that cares for birds exclusively. Learn more about them here!

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