Man Opens His Apartment to Stray Cat, Who Proceeds to Give Birth to Kittens in His Bed

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

So it was mid-August, and I’d just moved into a new apartment in Brooklyn with a few weeks to chill before starting grad school. Sitting on the front stoop one evening, this gnarly bag of bones of a tabby came up to me and accepted a few pets before darting off.


The following evening, I was sitting on the stoop again, and she came back and this time was all over me with affection. I’m a cat person, and I had enjoyed a few beers at that point, so I scooped her right up and brought her in the apartment.


A few hours later, my roommate Monica, also a cat person, came home and we agreed to let her stay the night and name her Brooklyn. Did I mention Monica already had a cat named Franklin? And our other roommate also had a cat named Tupac? That was three cats now, just to keep track… it’s important.


At 2 a.m., I hit the sack with Brooklyn in my room, for quarantine purposes. Four hours later, I woke up to find Brooklyn curled up next to me in bed… licking something furiously… something black and slimy… and moving. After a few seconds, my brain started working and I realized this cat was dropping a litter of kittens right there, five of them, in my bed. There were now eight cats in the apartment.

Long story short, we agreed to raise the kittens, whom we named Manhattan (Manny), Brooklyn Jr., Bronx, Queens and Richmond (Staten Island), and eventually found them new homes.


Mama cat Brooklyn, who is thankfully FIV and FeLV free, has been my furry best friend ever since.

Story submitted by Anthony Simone from Brooklyn, New York.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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