Eating Quinoa Regularly Can Help Stave Off Diabetes

Quinoa has always been a highly recommended carbohydrate source — an excellent alternative to rice. What’s impressive about quinoa is that it offers not only carbohydrates but also other nutrients. Once you incorporate quinoa into your diet, you’ll get daily protein, fat, fiber, folate, vitamins B6 and E, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. With all the nutrients you can acquire with this superfood, there’s no wonder that it can positively impact your body.

Photo: Unsplash/Pierre Bamin

Most people choose quinoa as an alternative to rice, mainly when trying to lose weight. It’s helpful because the grain is loaded with fiber and high in protein. Moreover, rice, specifically white rice, can increase your blood sugar levels. For this reason, shifting to quinoa is recommended when trying to decrease your glucose level. Quinoa can regulate blood sugar levels, making it an excellent addition to your diet to prevent or treat type 2 diabetes.

Photo: Unsplash/Ella Olsson

If type 2 diabetes runs in the family, you must take preventive measures to not acquire the disease. You may want to choose a healthier lifestyle which includes eating quinoa. A recent study has proven its wondrous effects in lowering your glucose levels. Since quinoa supplies the body with enough protein and fiber, it decreases the risk of your blood sugar levels spiking.

“I think the study is a long shot, because honestly, changing your diet and incorporating both complex carbohydrates and protein can decrease your overall chances of developing diabetes,” says Nicole M. Avena, Ph.D., a nutrition consultant. “Quinoa in and of itself is both of those, so I guess it can give you a bang for your buck, but that’s about it. Anything aside from a Standard American Diet can decrease your chances of developing lifestyle diseases like diabetes.” The research was published in an online journal called Nutrients. A team of scientists from various universities contributed to the study, involving participants over 65 years old.

Photo: Pexels/Shameel mukkath

The team observed people aged 65 since age is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Researchers followed the difference in glucose levels before and after including quinoa in their daily meals. They utilized a glucose monitor, which every participant wore for a month. The equipment has helped the study collect data recordings of each person’s blood sugar levels. Each participant’s meal was replaced with foods such as cereals and pasta with quinoa. As a result, the blood sugar levels decreased — making it plausible that quinoa can fight diabetes before it can happen to a person.

Photo: Unsplash/Sonny Mauricio

To start incorporating quinoa into your diet, Mackenzie Burgess RND suggests, “If it fits into your meal plan, a good starting place might be to consume 1/2 cup to 1 cup of cooked quinoa a few times per week.” You can also include quinoa in various recipes to make more exciting and scrumptious healthy balanced diet meals and receive more nutrients. Dr. Nicole Avena also recommends, “You need about 1.5 cups (3 servings) of whole grains daily, so weekly, it would be approximately 8 cups.”

Whether your family has a history of diabetes or not, it’s still best to find ways to prevent getting diagnosed with the condition. Investing in healthier meals is a form of self-care that your future self would be thankful for. Start the change by eating quinoa, and you’ll help yourself say goodbye to a diabetes scare.

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