A 2-Year-Old Dog Covered in Fleas, Ticks, & Matted Fur Gets a 2nd Chance at Happiness

A sweet dog discovered lost or abandoned at a gas station off a highway in Ukraine had a stroke of good luck when he was miraculously rescued from a life of fear and loneliness. The location — described as dangerous for strays — was no place for this or any other animal.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

When rescuers first arrived, his thick matted fur was covered in hungry fleas and ticks looking for a meal. He lay by the curb and barely lifted his head at the sound of the approaching vehicle. When he was offered water he refused it, raising concerns that there could be more going on with him medically.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

Scooped up into kind, loving arms, the dog — which his rescuers named Kuzya — was whisked off to a local veterinarian clinic that frequently helps @lovefurryfriends, the small group that has been working to save animals from the streets since Russia began their attack on Ukraine.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

Determined to be a young fella in terms of age, his ears were inflamed and would require ointment to be applied over the next few weeks until his condition improved. Kuzya was also vaccinated for rabies and given medication to treat his flea and tick infestation before going to see a groomer.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

Typically, this group takes the dogs they rescue home to be given a thorough bath and brushing, but Kuzya’s fur was beyond their skillset, so they called in the pros to get the job done as quickly and gently as possible. Throughout the course of his spa treatment, Kuzya’s tail continued to wag intermittently, just happy to be off of the streets.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

When they were finished with him, little Kuzya looked even smaller without the mound of matted, dirty fur filled with parasites. Cute from the get-go, he was downright adorable when it was all said and done. It’s heartbreaking, because up until not so long ago, he was obviously someone’s pet.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

Next was a trip to the pet supply store, where it was time to get a collar, leash, bedding, and of course, toys and treats. After getting home, being introduced to the other resident rescue dogs, and enjoying a treat, little Kuzya’s head hit the clean, comfy bed he was stretched out on, and he quickly fell asleep.

adoptable dog
Photo: YouTube/@lovefurryfriends

It’s quite likely it was the first time in a very long time that Kuzya felt safe enough and full enough to rest peacefully. Fortunately, his story is not nearly as bad as many of the other rescues @lovefurryfriends sees, but no dog or cat should ever have to face the streets alone.

Check out the video below, and please help wherever/whenever you can.

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